The running baker - baking and running for peace
October 24th is International Bake Bread for Peace Day The running baker joins the initiative by baking, running, and sharing pictures via my instagram account tomorrow. I will simply use flour, water and salt to create the bread and as usual I bake and run (within the city of Basel), you pay and enjoy! Tomorrow I will be baking:
- 3 Pavé - this classic bread needs 48 hours to develop a rich and full texture. Made of wheat and rye flour, a special sourdough, water and salt. As simple as that!
- 3 durum breads. Golden, crusty wheat bread made with durum flour, sourdough, water and salt. Imagine that with a piece of cheese for your Saturday breakfast...
Price: 5 francs per bread (last week before prices increase so you better take the chance!)
Delivery time: Friday 24th October between 2 - 4 pm (I can leave it in your post box if you're not home)
Make sure to get your bread/s by writing a comment to this post indicating which bread/s you want, when you want it and where you want it delivered. I will confirm your order.