African biscotti with cashews, macadamia nuts and dark chocolate

Published 2014-10-03 in Recipes: sweet stuff,

This Monday I came back from Tanzania, where I had been two weeks for work. As usual, and as shared on instagram, I brought home some souvenirs - all of them edible. First thing I did when I came home was to bake! Had a lot of urge to hang out with some dough :) I brought back two different kinds of organic honey, organic mulberry jam, papaya/ginger marmelade, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts and organic vanilla (my bag was the best smelling one on the plane I am sure!). What to do with this, I asked myself? I had seen a recipe in one of the domestic inflight magazines on biscotti with macadamia nuts, and based on that and with a bit of imagination I created:
African biscotti with cashews, macadamia nuts and dark chocolate
ca. 20 pieces
40 g butter
100 g coconut sugar
100 g unrefined sugar (Swedish: råsocker)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda (Swedish: bakpulver)
50 g cashew nuts, chopped
50 g macadamia nuts, chopped
200 g dark chocolate (70%)
270 g vetemjöl
1 vanilla pod (Swedish: vaniljstång)
This is how to do it:
Pre-heat the oven to 175°C. Mix butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl. Add the eggs and whip into a thick batter. Chop the nuts and chocolate. Add it into the batter. Mix flour and baking soda and add into the batter. Turn the batter onto a floured baking paper (the dough is a bit sticky) and shape into two 25 cm long loaves. Place the loaves on a baking tray and bake until golden brown, ca. 25 min. Take the loaves out and let cool in room temperature for one hour. When cooled, cut into biscotti, about 2 cm thick pieces. Turn the oven to 75°C. Place the biscotti on a baking tray and dry them in the oven until dry, ca. 1,5 hours.
The loaves before going into the oven
After being baked, cooled and sliced
Store in a cool, dry place


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My profile pictureI am a Swede living in Switzerland and I love to make bread, especially slow sourdough bread. One day I want to open my own bakery and meanwhile I am exploring and experimenting with recipes and techniques to collect as much knowledge as possible. The blog is my note board to keep track of all I want to learn.
