The (slowly) running baker is back!

Published 2016-09-08 in My bakery, The running baker,

It's been quiet for a while, but now I am back! Starting off this Friday with two types of bread - a classic and a seasonal newcomer! You can order the following:
  • 4 classic sourdough levain breads made of wheat flour and some dinkel. Goes well with almost everything - breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  • 3 pumpkin breads with wheat, rye, dinkel and full of good flax seeds. Nutritious, seasonal and tasty!
Price: 7 francs per bread (incl. delivery)
Delivery time: Friday 9th September between 2 - 5 pm (I can leave it in your post box if you're not home) in the city of Basel.
Make sure to get your bread/s by writing a comment to this post indicating which bread/s you want, when you want it and where you want it delivered. I will confirm your order. Enjoy!


Posted by: Anneli

Published 2016-09-08 14:02:38

Vet inte vad som gått men om det finns ett av varje tar vi gärna det

Svar: Absolut, ett av varje är ert!

Posted by: Asa

Published 2016-09-08 14:38:54

Hej Anna! Jag vill garna ha ett levain! Harligt att du ar tillbaka :)

Svar: Skoj, ett levain är ditt!

Posted by: Henrietta

Published 2016-09-08 17:53:38

Wohoo du är tibax! 😊 Jag tar gärna ett av varje om det går? Kram

Svar: Yes! :) det går bra!

Posted by: Louise

Published 2016-09-08 18:40:36

Jag tar ett av varje!

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My profile pictureI am a Swede living in Switzerland and I love to make bread, especially slow sourdough bread. One day I want to open my own bakery and meanwhile I am exploring and experimenting with recipes and techniques to collect as much knowledge as possible. The blog is my note board to keep track of all I want to learn.
