Spring time bread!

Published 2015-03-18 in My bakery, The running baker,

Spring is here! Why not celebrate with a bread? I am delivering the following bread on Friday 20th March:
  • 4 "Salta Rosmarie" - wheat sourdough breads with wheat and spelt flour, beautifully smelling rosemary and sea salt. For your Friday night dinner party? Or Saturday breakfast in bed...?
  • 3 "Grötnöt" - wheat sourdough breads with wheat flour and rye porridge, as well as roasted walnuts. A tasty bread with the goodness of rye and a round, nutty taste.
Price: 7 francs per bread (incl. delivery)
Delivery time: Friday 20th March between 2 - 4 pm (I can leave it in your post box if you're not home). Evening delivery to Engelberg also possible!
Make sure to get your bread/s by writing a comment to this post indicating which bread/s you want, when you want it and where you want it delivered. I will confirm your order.

Running Baker 6th March

Published 2015-03-05 in My bakery, The running baker,

Late announcement, but....yes, I am baking on Friday 6th March:
  • 3 "Surdegssvansar", sourdough bread with wheat, durum and rye flour, topped with roasted seeds and sea salt. A cute bread! 
  • 3 "Nordic" sourdough breads with rye and wheat, flavoured with caraway. Makes me long for the north! 
Price: 7 francs per bread (incl. delivery)
Delivery time: Friday 6th March between 2.00 - 4.30 pm (I can leave it in your post box if you're not home). Evening delivery to Engelberg also possible!

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My profile pictureI am a Swede living in Switzerland and I love to make bread, especially slow sourdough bread. One day I want to open my own bakery and meanwhile I am exploring and experimenting with recipes and techniques to collect as much knowledge as possible. The blog is my note board to keep track of all I want to learn.
